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Wohler DC 100PRO压力计

添加时间:2009-12-24 编辑:读取中…… 阅读:

  • 产品名称:Wohler DC 100PRO压力计
  • 产品定货号:MB-02465-00
  • 产地:德国
  • 推荐:
The Wohler DC 100PRO allows measurements of extremely low differential pressure with 0.01 Pa resolution. By using capillary probes pressure differences of adjoining rooms can be measured. Air Speed measurements are possible in combination with Pitot probes.
4 Pa Threshold Value Test
In a closed room, the synchronic use of a compartment air dependent fire place and an exhaust air construction can cause dangerous under pressure. The Wohler DC 100PRO helps to control the under pressure limit of 4 Pa. Therefore two capillaries measure the differential pressure between the inside and the outside of the building. While the fire place and the exhaust air construction are in use, the differential pressure is not allowed to exceed 4 Pa. Pressure changes are recorded by the integrated datalogger. The user can analyse the pressure changes on the computer.

Wohler DC 100PRO压力计MB-02465-00
