Model D-4色谱仪
添加时间:2009-12-16 编辑:读取中…… 阅读:次
- 产品名称:Model D-4色谱仪
- 产品定货号:MB-02211-00
Model D-4 is available in versions for easy installation on most of the GCs in current use, including the Varian 3800, Shimadzu 14 and 17, ThermoFinnigan Trace, Mega, and Top, and Hewlett Packard 5890. The D-4 is single mode, optimized for trace level work in the helium photoionization mode.
The Shimadzu, Thermo, and Varian systems include detector cell, pulser, and standard helium purifier, and utilize the existing GC FID electrometer. Systems for all other GCs also include a controller/electrometer.