添加时间:2009-11-20 编辑:读取中…… 阅读:次
- 产品名称:6712便携式采样器
- 产品定货号:MB-01493-00
Isco's 6700 Series Portable Samplers have set theindustry standard, providing the most comprehensiveand durable performance available. With theintroduction of our new 6712, Isco takes anotherstep toward the ultimate by including SDI-12 interface capabilities.The 6712 uses Isco's advanced 6700Series Controller, a device that allowsyou to select from a variety ofprogramming modes, assuring the most suitable routine for yourapplication. Programming is fast and simple, with on-line help just a key stroke away. The environmentally-sealed 6712controller delivers maximumaccuracy and easily handles all ofyour sampling applications,including:
wastewater effluent
➤ stormwater monitoring
➤ CSO monitoring
➤ permit compliance
➤ pretreatment compliance