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1824 LP接地电阻仪

添加时间:2010-9-30 编辑:C055 阅读:

  • 产品名称:1824 LP接地电阻仪
  • 产品定货号:ME-06485-00
  • 产地:美国
  • 推荐:
1824 LP PSC/Earth Tester
Measures Earth Resistance without the need for poles in the ground or external measuring wires.
Earth Measurement uses the eal earth current path and the current generated byu the electric network, without theneed for any disconnection. Earth Resistance display, is exaclty what the earth resistance is that the earth current will need to go through as an earth fault occurs. (you do not need to add all the bonding points and connection paths) Displays voltage supply at the transformer (Line to Neutral), without loading the transformer.
Single One Smart Push button operation; ON, Scroll through results and menus.  Checks wiring integrity (LEDs).
Auto-off/auto-ranging (software range).  Microporcessor controlled.  Combined Prospective Short circuit Current, Loop and Earth Tester. Loop test for L-E and PSC between L-N. Voltage test L-N.  EN/IEC 61010-1 CAT III 3000V

1824 LP接地电阻仪Measures Earth Resistance without the need for poles in the ground or external measuring wires.ME-06485-00
