Model 1302 - Digital Oscilloscope 数字示波器,Noteworthy Development: The Model 1302CA is the only digital oscilloscope …

1201 - 6 1/2 Digit Digital Multimeter数字示波器,Meets or Exceeds Agilent 34401A Specifications,Fastest Sampling Rate (2…

The Berkeley Nucleonic's Model 8010 is an inexpensive general purpose pulse generator with a broad operating range.

The Model BH-1 is a tail pulse generator which simulates the broad range of pulses encountered in the nuclear field.

The PB-5 sets a new standard for precision pulse generators. It offers full digital controllability with a built-in ramp …

To test a range of Multi-Channel Analyzer functions, we have designed a random pulse generator that utilizes a charge con…

The Model BL-2 is a versatile, tail pulse generator capable of simulating the outputs from a wide range of detectors, pho…

电源供应器 ME-07364-00
The AP-Series Portanims are attractive, compact, portable NIM compatible bins with self-contained power supplies.

Model TB-4 is a bin and power supply combination for plug-in modules. It can house twelve single-width modular instrument…

For flexible control of High Voltage, Voltage Sensing and Current Sensing, the Model 320H gives users an order or magnitu…