Records time and date stamped, ON and oFF state changes for equipment run-time, usage and event duration data.
Records time and date stamped, "ON" and "OFF"; state changes for equipment run-time, usage and event duration data.
Records time and date stamped,"ON" and "OFF" state changes for equipment run-time, usage and event duration data.
Records time and date stamped DC current data from external sensors, transducers and many other sources.
Records time and date stamped DC current data from external sensors, transducers and many other sources.
Records time and date stamped DC current data from external sensors, transducers and many other sources.
Records time and date stamped DC current data from external sensors, transducers and many other sources.
The RFProcess101A is a low level, DC Current data recorder with built-in, wireless (RF) transmitter.
High speed, stand alone, battery operated, 3-axis shock data recorder.
The Shock101-EB is a high speed, extended battery life, stand alone, 3-axis shock recorder.