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QuantumX CX27数据记录仪

添加时间:2011-4-6 14:18:59 担当:C055 阅读:

  • 产品名称:QuantumX CX27数据记录仪
  • 定货号:DK-00099-00
  • 推荐:
QuantumX CX27 - Real-time data acquisition via EtherCAT
Modern test benches put high demands on real-time data transmission in automation routines. The Ethernet-based EtherCAT fieldbus standard is particularly suited to these tasks - in particular if cycle times of less than one millisecond are aimed at.
The CX27 gateway module now provides you with the advantages of convenient and cost-effective universal measurement technology also for test benches using EtherCAT bus technology.
Reliable real-time data transmission
CX27 allows integration of several QuantumX modules for real-time data acquisition of up to 199 signals via EtherCAT. Selected signals can simultaneously be monitored via Ethernet TCP/IP.
Benefit from increased efficiency provided by universal measurement electronics for your EtherCAT test bench now:
Reliable acquisition of high-precision measurement data using QuantumX and real-time data acquisition
Maximum flexibility in choosing and using transducer types and measurement quantities
Significant increase in efficiency through APM (Advanced Plug and Measure) technology

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