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QuantumX MX440A通用放大器

添加时间:2011-4-6 10:31:46 担当:C055 阅读:

  • 产品名称:QuantumX MX440A通用放大器
  • 定货号:DK-00092-00
  • 推荐:
Thousands of measurement engineers worldwide trust in the QuantumX family. Featuring eight channels and maximum performance, the universal amplifier MX840A and its predecessor MX840 have set standards in modern measurement acquisition.
The MX440A four-channel universal amplifier provides you with the MX840A's universality - now with a reduced number of channels and at an attractive entry-level price. However, MX440A does not provide a CANbus on channel 1.
It is ideal, for example, for minor measuring and testing tasks or for servicing. The following sensor and transducer types are supported on all four channels:
Full and half bridge (strain gages and inductive transducers)
Voltage (± 100mV, ± 10V, ± 60V)
Current (+ 20 mA)
Resistance thermometers (PT100, PT1000)
Resistors (PTC, NTC, KTY, ...)
Thermocouples (Types K, N, T, E, …)
Piezoresistive transducers
Pulse counting, rotary encoder, frequency measurement, SSI
MX440A is a full-fledged member of the QuantumX family. The amplifier can be used as a stand-alone instrument connected to a PC via Ethernet interface or in a network with other QuantumX modules. Another advantage: its compact size of 174 x 44 x 119 mm, which reaches its full performance in particular in highly restricted spaces or mobile applications.
Further advantages of QuantumX and MX440A
Advanced Plug & Measure (APM) identifies your TEDS transducers and sensors as soon as they are connected to the instrument and automatically configures the channel. For you, this means: short setup times in daily operation. And, in addition: increased efficiency and reliability.
Worldwide unique software support: QuantumX users benefit from a powerful software package. The free QuantumX Assistant operating software sets standards in terms of ease of use and performance. catman AP measurement software and professional nCode GlyphXE analysis software together with many other tools offer ideal options for processing of your measurement data. The software package provides programmers with LabView® and .NET libraries.
Top-class quality measurement technology: with sampling rates up to 19,200 Hz and a bandwidth up to 3.2 kHz.
A working standard calibration certificate is stored on the module to ensure traceability and enhanced quality.

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