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添加时间:2010-5-20 14:34:38 担当:未知 阅读:

  • 产品名称:83278327压力传感器
  • 定货号:DC-00116-00
  • 推荐:
This intrinsically safe pressure transmitter isdesigned to cover the majority of industrialapplications in the field of industrial pressuremeasurement technology.High accuracy, reliability, compatibility withmost media, adjustability, versatility, compact design and robust construction make thisinstrument universal and suitable for differentmeasurement functions in hazardous environments.For technical reasons piezoresistive sensor element is used for measuring ranges up to 16bar (thin film sensor element for the measuring range of 25 bar, on request). Wetted parts are made of stainless steel and completely welded. Internal seal elements, which could restrict the choice of measuring materials, are excluded.Compatibility
Standard version
Flush Diaphragm version
Any pipe with sensor connection
G 1/2” B according to DIN 16288,
G 1” B with O-ring (range up to 1.6 bar)
G 1/2” B with O-ring (range > 1.6 bar)
(Weld-on socket with connection G1/2”B, G1”B)
Wetted parts
Standard version
Flush Diaphragm version
Internal transmitting liquid
Stainless steel 1.4571
Stainless steel 1.4571 (and 1.4542 with 25 bar)
Stainless steel 1.4571, NBR seal
Synthetic Oil (only for pressure range up to 16 bar or flush
diaphragm units)
Electrical connections 4 pin cable plug acc. to EN 175301-803
Measuring range (Pressure reference
= relative pressure [atmospheric])
0 up to 1.0, 2.5, 6.0, 10.0, 16.0 bar
Measuring element piezo ( ≤ 16 bar) [thin film (25 bar) on request]
Fluid temperature** -30 up to +100°C
Compensated T° range 0 up to +80°C

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